Watery Eyes

Oculofacial Clinic TOKYO|
More than 10,000 cases

Do you have
any of these problems?Common symptoms of watery eyes.

  • Eye Mucus

  • Blepharitis

  • Lacrimal

  • Conjunctivitis

  • Obstruction of

  • Bacterial

  • Vision Loss

  • Eye Rash

  • Dry Eyes

Causes of teary eyes

The condition commonly referred to as Watery Eyes is often caused by dysfunction of the drainage pathway (lachrymal duct) of secreted tears.
There are two types of treatment for Watery Eyes: lacrimal duct insertion and dacryocystorhinostomosis. We will explain why the symptoms commonly seen in Watery Eyes occur, while unraveling the causes of Watery Eyes.

Painless &
Advanced Technology
Oculoplastic Surgery

Anesthesia is very important
in the treatment of Watery Eyes.
The tissues in the area where the tears pass are very sensitive due to the high density of nerves,
If anesthesia is not administered properly, the surgery or procedure can be very painful.
We consider proper anesthesia to be of the utmost importance and aim for the most painless treatment possible through a combination of intravenous and general anesthesia.

Our Watery Eyes TreatmentSafer and more secure treatment

  • No incision
    of the skin

    In performing lacrimal sac nasal anastomosis, we mainly use the endonasal method, which does not cut the skin.

  • Incision at

    With the exception of surgeries requiring skin excision, most surgeries are performed through incisions made through the conjunctiva (mucous membrane behind the eyelid), avoiding skin wounds as much as possible.

  • Outpatient

    Even for dacryocystorhinostomy, which generally requires hospitalization, the patient can go home the same day through day-care general anesthesia surgery.

Watery Eyes Treatment

A wide range of treatment options must be available, as an extranasal approach may be necessary in cases of lacrimal duct obstruction due to trauma or after surgery at another hospital.
Since it is important to select the appropriate treatment for the cause of watery eyes, proper examination and diagnosis are necessary to select the appropriate treatment. These require a high level of skill, knowledge, and experience.

Painless &
Advanced Technology
Oculoplastic Surgery

The number of surgeries performed each year reaches more than 10,000, and each doctor performs surgeries based on his or her accumulated experience. Please feel free to visit us for a consultation.

Director of Oculofacial Clinic

Over the past 10 years, we have performed more than 10,000 eye plastic surgeries in Japan and the United States.
I aim to provide the cutting-edge medical knowledge and experience I have gained to patients in need in Japan.

Painless &
Advanced Technology
Oculoplastic Surgery

Based on the world's most advanced oculoplastic surgery techniques I have learned from my study in the U.S., I would like to share them fully with each doctor and provide patients with medical care that is reassuring and that heals even their hearts. Please feel free to contact me for a consultation.


Watery Eyes has symptoms such as constant tearing, watery eyes, and eye discharge. These symptoms can be improved with proper treatment.
Please do not give up.
Please consult with an oculoplastic surgeon who has studied the most advanced technology in the United States.




Oculofacial Clinic Group offers oculoplastic surgery in Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Chiba, and Gunma. If you are interested in treatment, please contact the respective medical institution.